Escape From Your Studies

You’re a student and there’ll be days when you wish you weren’t, times when what with all the studying, stress, money management, deadlines, unavailable library books, papers and articles you can’t find and tutorials to prep for that you wonder whether any of it’s worth it. We all get days like that. However, a lot of students come through our doors here at Escape Ipswich to escape from their studies and they look a lot lighter, happier and brighter by the time they leave after playing an escape room.

So why would a student want to come to Escape Ipswich to escape their studies?

Well probably because this is the best fun you can have in an hour. The kind of fun that includes interaction, communication, practising some much-needed skills, breaking the ice with other like-minded students who are on a getaway from the library. 

Locked in a themed room, you’re going to have to think on your feet to get out.

You’re in a room with around 6 others, you’re locked in, the room is themed, and you must find a series of carefully concealed clues and puzzles in order to work out the best way of escaping the room, finding the key, unlocking the door – will you do it within the 60 minutes allowed? Perhaps not, but we see enough people coming back for more after their first attempt, and whether or not they manage it the first time. 

Get away from the articles, papers and books and find your little bit of escapism.

It gives you ample opportunity to get away from the stress of studies, books and deadlines and provides the most unique, fun way of spending time with your peers. When you’ve finished you may or may not have escaped the room within the hour, but you will have had the best time we guarantee. It’s something we think you’ll absolutely love and will help you get back to your studies feeling refreshed and happy to start working your way through those papers once more.

Escape Ipswich – for the best most original bit of escapism you’ll ever find.

Fancy it? Then book your escape room online or over the phone here at Escape Ipswich where you’ll always find a warm welcome. It’s an hour out of your day and by far the best way to destress. We’ll see you down here!